Wednesday, October 17, 2007

في زقاق مقدسي

وَتَلَفَّتَ التاريخُ لي مُتَبَسِّماً

أَظَنَنْتَ حقاً أنَّ عينَك سوفَ تخطئهم، وتبصرُ غيرَهم

ها هُم أمامَكَ، مَتْنُ نصٍّ أنتَ حاشيةٌ عليهِ وَهَامشٌ

أَحَسبتَ أنَّ زيارةً سَتُزيحُ عن وجهِ المدينةِ يابُنَيَّ

حجابَ واقِعِها السميكَ لكي ترى فيها هَواكْ

في القدسِ كلًّ فتى سواكْ

وهي الغزالةُ في المدى، حَكَمَ الزمانُ بِبَيْنِها

ما زِلتَ تَرْكُضُ إثْرَهَا مُذْ وَدَّعَتْكَ بِعَيْنِها

رفقاً بِنَفسكَ ساعةً إني أراكَ وَهَنْتْ

في القدسِ من في القدسِ إلا أَنْتْ
من قصيدة "في القدس" ...تميم البرغوثي

Saturday, October 13, 2007

عندما أيقظني صوتها

من بين شقوق الشيش وشقشت لك

مع شهقة العصافير وزقزقت لك

نهار جديد أنا ..قوم نشوف نعمل إيه

أنا قلت يا ح تقتلني .. يا ح اقتلك


Thursday, October 11, 2007

مع السلامة... هتوحشنا

تم البدر بدري

والأيام بتجري

والله لسه بدري والله

يا شهر الصيام



حيانا هلالك ردينا التحية

زهانا جمالك بالطلعة البهية

دي فرحة سلامك ولا وداع صيامك

والله لسه بدري و الله

يا شهر الصيام



يا ضيف و قته غالي و خطوة عزيزة

حبك حب عالي في الروح و الغريزة

أيامك قليلة و الشوق مش قليل

و الغيبة طويلةع الصبر الجميل

لسه بدري حبة يتملا الأحبة

والله لسه بدري والله

يا شهر الصيام



بتحلف يتيمك ما تلمح دموعه

و تسره بقدومك و تنور شموعه

و تسيب يوم وداعك فوق الأرض عيد

يا هالل بفرحة و مفارق بفرحة

والله لسه بدري والله

يا شهر الصيام



تم البدر بدري

والأيام بتجري

والله لسه بدري والله

يا شهرالصيام



اللهم بلغنا رمضان اعواماً عديدة وأقر عيوننا بلقياه مرة أخرى

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


السؤال في كلمتين
إحنا مين وليه وفين؟
حتى أتذكر يوم الجمعة 5/ أكتوبر/ 2007
أؤمن أن كل يوم جديد يحمل إمكانية ميلاد إنسان جديد...كل يوم

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Children of my heart!

The smile and the dance:

Today was her first day at school. When I woke her up, I saw a wonderful big smile on her lovely face. A smile that can make a day. I watched her closely as she washed her face enthusiastically and quickly. She did the task at an amazing level of dexterity. She touched the soap bar quickly with her small fingers, then danced with her fingers as if they were ballet dancers, her face a stage, and the soap bubbles small white gowns. The ballet dance achieved success; she was able to save her eyes from the deadly bubbles.

The gown and the blanket:

As I was still fighting against the Ramadan morning headache, she asked me to help her dress up. Mother offered help, but I wanted to do it myself. I felt a shiver down my neck as I put the dark brown school gown on her. She looked beautiful and shining with joy. The two white buckles on top of her head shone like moons guarding a sunny face. Here she is! The baby girl is growing fast." Remember the Ramadan night when you held her in your arms for the first time rolled in her pastel-coloured blanket?", I said to myself.

Faces of life:

As we stepped into the school yard, I held her hand strongly and started to observe the expression on her face. I wondered how she feels. I tried to remember how I felt on my first day of school, but I could not. I shook my head so as to move from the fantasy world of memories to the real world of her. I looked around; there were a huge number of tiny human beings swarming, running , falling, crying, chasing each other and moving incessantly like horrified ants. For a moment, I felt afraid. The girl did not speak. I looked in her eyes for a suppressed tear but found none. But the touch of her hand made me feel it for sure that she is worried, very worried. I myself was worried. What does this world bear for you, my little girl. As I travelled around through the faces of teachers and supervisors, I sensed the presence of evil in the air. The world is too much for you, my little girl.

The handkerchief and the plate:

I had to set her little hand free. She stood in the line, and I watched her from the back. Luckily, I was not sent out of school, for the headmistress knows my father. "Is that the world you are thrown into, my little girl?", I asked myself in pain. The girl has not adapted yet. She did not lift her hands up neither moved around. She still needed time to conform to the rules of the world. I met her teachers. Nice people, or perhaps there is a recommendation from the schoolmistress. Unfair… unfair. I asked whether I can join the class for a few moments, and I was granted the permission. The girl has already taken a seat. I watched curiously as she put a cotton handkerchief on the table, put her plate on it and started to have her breakfast. She did not care much about my being there. I was surprised. She is adapting much better than I do. The shining smile on her face made me feel my presence is no longer needed. I said goodbye, kissed her little rosy cheek and left.

Proud and thankful:

To you, the child of my heart, I dedicate those words. One day, when the flower blossoms to the full, I will give you the link of my blog. I wrote those words because, when you grow up, and whether I will be there or not, I would like you to know that you made me feel proud of you today, and that you taught me a lesson in how to live in the world. Perhaps the world is too much for you, my little girl. But certainly, you have too much for the world.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


أنا مستقيل
من الحب
من وجع الفؤاد
من انتظار باهت
سمج ذليل
أنا مستقيل
من شاطيء الأشواق
من موج العناق
وصخرة العشاق
من الذهاب
إلى الإياب المستحيل
أنا مستقيل
فلقد وهبتك
خفة الحب البهية
ومراشف القلب الندية
فلهوت في دربي قليل
وجززت رأس مشارقي
ظلماً بمقصلة الأصيل
أنا مستقيل
سيغادر الضيف الثقيل
وسيرحل الشبح الدخيل
أوثقته بمغاوري
فالحلم ولى مسرعاً
ومض جميل
سأدسه في خاطري
وسأنثر الأزهار
حول ضريح مولود قتيل
وأرفه القلب المدمى
فلتبتهج عيناك
إذ ينضب الزيت
بمصباح الهوى
فالنار لا يبقى لها
إلا الفتيل
أما أنا
أنا مستقيل
. . . . . .
. . . .
. . .
من قصيدة " أنا مستقيل" لمحمد الهربوت- ليبيا
جريدة أخبار الأدب