Sunday, May 3, 2009

I Miss Things!

The little girl was there, sitting silently at the table before a bowel of vanilla-and-strawberry ice cream. Looking at the ice cream and at the same time moving her legs under the table, she sadly said: "I miss things!"

A scene I just adored in the movie "In America"


We were all in bed. I love our new joint bed, which is the happy result of the coming together of two small beds. I just love the way it keeps the four of us close and secure. I love the way it supports my wish, which grew more and more lately, to hug the three of them at once. As usual, the little He fell asleep before the sandwich he asked for was ready, and the little She surrendered to the arms of sweet sleep in less than a second after a day of battles. There were only the two of us: her and me, probably thinking of the same things, but in silence. I eventually brought the two covers of my newly bought linguistics book together, kept my green-coloured pencil at hand, and broke the silence:

I miss things

I miss Mom

I miss our ADSL connection

I miss my blog

I miss the download experience

I miss writing

I miss my Facebook

I miss the old Epitaph

I miss a day with no pressures

I miss coming back to home to find Ma in the kitchen

I miss my unburdened heart

I miss hanging around, having nothing to do

I miss Her

I miss her voice over the phone

I miss her jokes


I: Are you there?

She: Yeah

I: Ok, I was just checking on you. Good night, love!

She: Good night!
And we fell asleep, quite secure, the four of us, but still missing things.
كتبت الكلمات السابقة في ليلة من ليالي أكتوبر 2008
أتذكرها الآن، وأتذكر معها الثالث من نوفمبر من نفس العام
قد مر نصف العام.. ولكنني لم أجد بعد البراح لأحزن عليكِ